Pelvic floor exercises help to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, which come under greater strain during pregnancy and childbirth. The pelvic floors can be weakened even if you have a Caesarean Birth due to the strain during pregnancy.

Regularly exercising your pelvic floors can strengthen these muscles to minimise:

  • Urinary and faecal incontinence
  • stress incontinence
  • Sex; increased sensitivity and stronger orgasms

How to do pelvic floor exercises:

  • close up your bottom, as if you’re trying to stop yourself going to the toilet
  • at the same time, draw in your vagina as if you’re gripping a tampon, and your urethra as if to stop the flow of urine
  • at first, do this exercise quickly, tightening and releasing the muscles immediately
  • then do it slowly, holding the contractions for as long as you can before you relax: try to count to 10
  • try to do three sets of eight squeezes every day: to help you remember, you could do a set at each meal

As well as these exercises, practice tightening the pelvic floor muscles before and during coughing and sneezing.

For further information visit the NHS website.