A midwife is waiting to support you in the birth environment that you have chosen 24 hours a day, seven days a week.  You may call us at any time but we particularly recommend getting in touch if:

  • You think your labour has started (for example, your contractions have become regular and strong, may be occurring every 2–3 minutes)
  • Your waters have released
  • You have any vaginal bleeding or other concerning vaginal loss
  • You are worried your baby is not moving as much as normal
  • You have constant abdominal pain that is not subsiding
  • You have any other concerns or anxieties your wish to discuss with a midwife”

Please call the maternity triage with any of these symptoms day or night for support and advice on 01737 231764.

Please be aware that you may not need to come straight to your birth environment and we will support you to make the best choices for you and your baby at all times.

If you are under the care of a specialist or continuity of carer team, the maternity triage midwife will inform this team when required and ensure you receive the right support at the right time.
