Whooping cough, RSV and Flu 

During your pregnancy you will be offered some vaccinations, you community midwife will discuss these with you during your antenatal appointments. 

You will be offered both your Whooping cough, RSV, and depending on the time of year you may also be offered a flu vaccine, these are recommended and deemed safe by robust clinical trials for all pregnant women.  

We are very excited to announce we are now able to offer women the pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine, and the RSV vaccine at both Crawley and ESH.  

Please email sash.antenatalclinicappointments@nhs.net  to book at East Surrey and antenatalclinicappointmentscr-hr@nhs.net  for Crawley and Horsham.   

Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) vaccines are recommended at 20 weeks gestation.  

RSV is a common cause of coughs and colds. Most people get it several times during their life. It usually gets better by itself, but in some people (especially babies and older adults) it can cause illnesses such as: 

  • Pneumonia (a lung infection) 
  • Bronchiolitis (a chest infection that affects babies) 

These illnesses can cause serious breathing problems. They may need to be treated in hospital and can be life-threatening. 

Getting vaccinated as soon as possible from 28 weeks will provide the best protection for your baby. But the vaccine can be given later if needed, including up until you go into labour. 


You may be offered flu and Covid 19 vaccinations at during the winter months. For more information please speak to  your midwife.  


Once your baby is born, they may be eligible for a BCG vaccination. Please use the link for further information.