If you have certain medical conditions, have experienced problems in a previous pregnancy, or if complications arise during this pregnancy, we will offer you care in our Delivery Suite where the care is led by midwives and supported by doctors. Your midwife will discuss a range of options available to you including how you can personalise your birth experience. There will be time for you to discuss your place of birth with your midwife or doctor leading your care.

Our delivery suite team includes midwives, maternity support workers, obstetric doctors, neonatal doctors and anaesthetists who work together to provide the highest standard of care to mothers and their babies during their birth experience. We actively encourage you to have a mobile and active birth experience, promoting a spontaneous vaginal birth where it is the right birth for you and your baby, but recognise that some and not all women on the Delivery Suite may require medical intervention in order to achieve a safe outcome.
In labour you will be admitted to one of our en-suite birth rooms and allocated a midwife who will provide one-to-one care for your family throughout your birth experience.
The delivery suite environment offers all forms of pain relief, including a 24 hour epidural service. We also have a birthing pool available for use as part of your personalised care plan on the delivery suite.
Our dedicated maternity theatre is alongside the delivery suite and available for use when women require assistance at birth from a doctor. We work hard to make sure that every birth is as calm and comfortable as it can be for you.
You should always call our maternity triage before attending the delivery suite on 01737 231764.