We understand that many survivors of critical illness face a long and difficult recovery. Physical, psychological, cognitive and social difficulties following an ICU admission are very common and can affect return to work, finances and personal relationships. An ICU admission can also significantly impact family members, who may also experience emotional distress and psychological difficulties during and after this difficult time.
If you have spent four or more days in the ICU and have been ventilated, you will receive afollow-up telephone call from a member of our ICU team around 6 weeks following your discharge from hospital. This phone call aims to review your recovery and any outstanding support that you may still require. You may then be invited to attend our ICU follow-up clinic, which provides you and your family with an opportunity to discuss your experiencesof being in ICU and ask questions you may have about your illness or hospital stay. It also enables us to review the progress you are making in your physical and psychological recovery and offer additional support if needed. Lastly, your appointment is a valuable space for us to learn from you and your family, to continually improve the care we provide for future patients and their relatives.
Our ICU follow-up clinic adopts an interdisciplinary approach, meaning you will be seen bya Critical Care Consultant, Critical Care Nurse, Clinical Psychologist, Physiotherapist and Occupational Therapist. Patients and family members who attend the clinic can be offered a range of support or referral to other services, related to their ongoing difficulties.
These can include physical problems such as;
- Weakness and fatigue
- Joint problems
- Breathlessness
- Pain
- Sexual dysfunction
- Sleep difficulties
Some patients may also experience psychological difficulties, including;
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Post-traumatic stress
- Difficulties adjusting to life after critical illness
- Problems with memory, concentration and tasks
At your clinic you will also receive your ICU patient diary, which was kept by your healthcare professionals and family members whilst you were on the unit. Photographs may have been taken at points of change during your recovery and included in your diary. The diary is written in everyday language and contains daily entries that may help to fill missing gaps in your memory from when you were sedated in ICU.
We also offer patients and their relatives a visit back to the ICU, which can help you to see the ICU environment in a structured manner and support you in your recovery. Further follow-up visits can be scheduled as required.
Following your appointment, your GP will receive a brief summary of your discussion and any actions needed to support your ongoing recovery.
Further Information
ICU Steps is a charity run by former intensive care patients, and aims to support patients and their relatives affected by critical illness.
The ICU Steps intensive care guide contains useful information about recovery from intensive care.
Our Contact Details
Intensive Care Unit, 1st Floor (purple zone)
East Surrey Hospital
Canada Avenue
Tel: 01737 768511 ext. 7269 / 7107
Email: sash.