What we do
HSDU provides a reprocessing service for Reusable Invasive Medical Devices (RIMDs), more commonly known as surgical instrumentation, at East Surrey Hospital and Crawley Hospital. This is a vital service to the operating theatres, clinics and wards within Crawley, Horsham, Caterham Dene and East Surrey Hospital. This includes decontamination facilities and processes for the endoscopy units at East Surrey and Crawley Hospitals.
We also provide services to local podiatry, dental, commissioning care groups and GP practices.
All of our services and products comply with the requirements of ISO13485:2003, ISO 9001: 2008 &, HTM 2010, HTM 2030, HTM 2031 and MDD 93/42/EEC. This means that we meet all the requirements necessary to sell our products on the open market and that we have external auditors appointed by the Department of Health who attend site annually to ensure that our quality and compliance remains at the highest standard.
We employ about 40 staff in various posts including:
- Medical device decontamination technician
- Team leader
- Management team
Although we are a relatively small team our role is essential for ensuring that every patient who is having a procedure does so with RIMDs that have been decontaminated to the appropriate standard.
We supply
- sterile composite and single RIMDs packs
- sterile packs prepared for specific treatment procedures
- sterile comprehensive operating department tray sets containing surgical instruments
- Disinfected re-usable heat labile RIMDs
- Endoscope decontamination (high level disinfection