Nurses, AHPs, Midwives and Support Workers go above and beyond to not only provide patients and families with excellence in clinical care.
At SASH, we want to do more to acknowledge the amazing work our clinical teams do.
That is why we have created the Bluebell Awards, which celebrate Nursing Assistants, and signed up to the DAISY Award, which is a recognition programme to celebrate and recognise Nurses and Midwives. We have also introduced the Primrose Award to recognised out AHPs and AHP support workers.
Both work by collecting nominations from patients, families and colleagues. If you would like to nominate a Nurse or Midwife, please fill out the DAISY Award nomination form using the link below.
If you have received great care from a Nursing Assistant and would like to thank them, please fill out the Bluebell Award nomination form by clicking the link below.
Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) and support workers play a crucial role in helping patients live their lives as fully as possible. There are many different professionals who work as AHPs across a variety of settings.
Here at SASH you will find:
· Dietitians
· Occupational Therapists
· Operating Department Practitioners (ODPs)
· Orthoptists
· Orthotists
· Paramedics
· Physiotherapists
· Podiatrists
· Radiographers
· Speech and Language Therapists
We encourage you to nominate AHPs and Support Workers who embody our core values by providing exceptional patient care, supporting colleagues, and driving service innovation.
A Primrose Award will be handed out each month. Please complete the form below to nominate in recognition of their hard work.