Trust Chief Executive to retire after 37 years in the NHS

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Angela Stevenson has today announced that she will retire later this year after serving as Chief Executive of Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust (SASH).

She began her career in the NHS as a nurse in Glasgow, ultimately taking up the role as Chief Executive of SASH in December 2021, having previously served as Chief Operating Officer from September 2015 where she played a pivotal role in the turnaround of the organisation.

In her time as Chief Executive of SASH, Angela led the move away from the crisis management phase of the COVID-19 pandemic and into the recovery of the delivery of services for patients. She set a new direction of travel for the Trust, working with partners through the Provider Collaborative to improve healthcare delivery and outcomes for patients and communities.

Angela Stevenson, Chief Executive of SASH, said:

“As someone who started as a student nurse in Glasgow in 1988 and worked my way up to be Chief Executive, I want to share my gratitude for what I have been able to do over a long and fulfilling career. 

“I am proud of all that we have achieved together at SASH and can’t begin to do justice to all the extraordinary things that the amazing staff here do every day. It’s been an enormous honour to have been able to work with so many talented and professional people, and it has been my privilege to serve in our team as Chief Executive.

“It was always my intention to take early retirement, and now that I am approaching 55, I have decided to prioritise time with my partner.”

Angela will retire later this year, and the SASH Trust Board will begin the process of working up the details to agree her successor.

Anita Donley, Chair of SASH, said: “I have worked as SASH Chair with Angela for only three months, but we were colleagues for some time when I worked at Queen Victoria Hospital, and I only wish that we could have worked together for longer. That said, I am sure that the Board and colleagues in SASH; our local community; and our partners more widely across both the Surrey Heartlands and Sussex ICSs will join me in thanking Angela for her hard work and steadfast commitment to securing the best possible care for patients and the population we serve, and the best support and care for our team of dedicated staff.”