Meeting a... Nursing AssistantWho are you: Kelvin Yet.
Summarise your role: My role as a Nursing Assistant is to work alongside the trained Nurses and Nurse in Charge giving care through washing and dressing, maintaining nutrition and hydration, preserving dignity respect and wellbeing of our patients. I undertake new patient health checks, carry out baseline observations - and as trained - venepuncture, cannulation and 12 lead ECGs (a type of test for a heart's rhythm and electrical activity).
What do you find challenging about your role: The most challenging part of my role is dealing with patients with advance dementia. They can sometimes become aggressive and agitated and it can be hard to keep them calm. That’s why I am very thankful for the dementia lead programme with Chris O’Connor, where I learned how to properly deal with these behaviours.
What do you find rewarding: I find it rewarding seeing patients smiling saying “thank you” for all the care and commending me for my hard work. I understand at times our patients can become agitated or upset, but I always try to make them smile whenever I can with my silly dad jokes, singing to some golden oldies or paying attention to the small but important things such as giving them a shave. The most rewarding part of it all is getting a very warm and tight hug from a patient and family members during their discharge with smiles on their faces uttering the words "thank you so much".
What do you enjoy outside of work: I do enjoy spending time relaxing, playing games on my phone, cooking, baking and being a hobbyist photographer, where I enjoy taking candid photos of people and nature photography. |