Who are you?
Hi everyone, my name is Christina Eleftheriades.
Summarise your role.
I am a teaching fellow employed in the care of the elderly wards. I am a doctor with a very special interest in geriatrics, specifically community geriatrics and the vital role of the multi-disciplinary team. My passion is building an awareness of dementia and delirium both in hospital and in the community, particularly memory impairment early in the disease. I also help run the MDTea podcast.
What do you find rewarding about your role?
My job is amazing! I come to work every day and see a ward of beautiful 90-year-old ladies talking about a world that once was and hear the most precious stories. It nourishes the soul and makes the harsh reality of our present world dissolve for the morning.
What do you find challenging?
As healthcare professionals we need to change the the way we look at ageing. The cure to ageing is deprescribing. Older people need to be heard. I spend a lot of my day trying to reduce the pill burden, which is not an easy task.
What do you enjoy outside of work:
Outside of work I love walking and the outdoors. I love the sea and eating waffles and ice cream with my son, Nicolas, in Kwazulu/Natal.