Who are you?
Clare Addison
Summarise your role.
I work as part of the Adults Safeguarding team, to support vulnerable patients in our care that are victims of, or at risk of, abuse and neglect. With that comes a commitment to our staff training, working within a multi-agency setting and upholding our responsibilities and legal duties as a healthcare organisation to protect and advocate for patients who may also have reduced mental capacity.
What do you find rewarding about your role?
The most rewarding aspect of the role comes when a patient feels able to disclose to us when they are not feeling safe or are victims of abuse or neglect enabling us to work with them often as part of a multi-agency team stop the abuse.
What do you find challenging?
Many people in our local community are vulnerable, and as a result are at risk of, or have become victims of abuse and neglect. Often they do not feel safe at home.
The biggest challenge for us as a team comes when we believe that some form of abuse is occurring but the individual does not recognise it or will not engage with us.
What do you enjoy outside of work?
I enjoy walking, crafts and spending time with my family and friends.
What does being able to mark a patient as diagnosed with Parkinson’s on our electronic patient record mean to you?
Delays of more than 30 minutes in the administration of time critical medication for people with Parkinson’s will disrupt a finely tuned bespoke medication regime and impact symptom management. This causes harm, and often a delay in discharge.
As someone living and working with Parkinson’s I know how important it is that these medications are taken on time, every time. I am part of a small group of HCPs with Parkinson’s who are leading a national campaign to ensure all care staff across the UK are aware of the importance of this agenda. This week we have launched, through the Parkinson’s Excellence Network, guidance to hospitals. Watch the video.
Want to know more? Why not join this NHSE webinar on the 19 April: Time Critical Medication Webinar.