Surrey and Sussex Healthcare NHS Trust is committed to providing a safe environment for patients and staff; ensuring that the right staff, with the right skills, are in the right place at the right time (National Quality Board, 2016).
As per the National Requirement by NHS England, arising from the Francis Report (2013); all NHS Organisations must publish their nurse staffing data on a monthly on NHS Choices, accessible to the public. The Safer Staffing Data report includes the following:
- Planned vs. Actual staffing hours divided into staffing groups (i.e. Non-Registered Midwives/ Nurses, Non-Registered Nursing Associates, Registered Nursing Associates and Registered Midwives/ Nurses)
- Care Hours per Patient Day (CHPPD) - For further information please refer to https://
www. england.nhs.uk/ care-hours-patient-day-chppd-data/
There are a number of assurance measures in place to review Safe Staffing for Nursing and Midwifery, for example: the utilisation of evidence based tools to assess workforce requirements within the inpatient settings in accordance with patient safety outcomes, patient feedback and professional judgement (NHS Improvement, 2018).